Keycloak – Export and Import a Realm

Learn to export an existing realm as a JSON file from the Keycloak server, and also to import a previously exported realm file with clients, policies and users. For demo purposes, we are using a Keycloak server instance running as a docker container.

1. Exporting a Realm

To export a realm, make sure it is already present in the Keycloak server. Begin the export process by launching the bash prompt for the docker container.

docker exec -it <container-id> bash

Next, run the /bin/ script to launch the export process. You can check out all the export options and arguments for custom requirements.

The following command will export the realm name “howtodoinjava” including all the configured users in this realm. It will save the exported JSON file into the location ‘/opt/keycloak/data/import‘ with the name howtodoinjava-realm.json.

/opt/keycloak/bin/ export --dir /opt/keycloak/data/import --realm howtodoinjava --users realm_file

We can use the following options in place of realm_file to change the export strategy:

  • different_files: export users into different JSON files. By default. 50 users are exported into each JSON file. You can change this number using –users-per-file flag.
  • skip: skips exporting the users.
  • realm_file: export users into the same file as the realm settings.
  • same_file: export users and realm data into separate files, thus two files are created at the end.

If required, we can copy and backup this realm file to a separate location as follows. The following command will copy the realm file into ‘c:/temp’ directory.

docker cp <container-id>:/opt/keycloak/data/import/howtodoinjava-realm.json c:/temp/howtodoinjava-realm.json

2. Importing a Realm

The best way to import a realm is using the user interface of a running Keycloak server instance. Login to the administrator console, and create a new realm with the same name as given in the realm file.

Additionally, select the “Resource file” as a previously exported realm file, as discussed in the previous section.

After we click the “Create” button, the realm will be created with all the clients, roles and users successfully.

If you face “Script upload is disabled” then you need to clean the realm file by removing the “authorizationSettings” from the JSON file as explained in this article.

3. Conclusion

In this short Keycloak tutorial, we learned to export a realm into a JSON file, and then import a realm into the Keycloak server. There are plenty of options for various usecases of importing and exporting realm which you can check out in the official documentation.

Happy Learning !!


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