Convert between LocalDate and ZonedDateTime

Learn to convert from LocalDate to ZonedDateTime and from ZonedDateTime to LocalDate in Java 8.

As we know, LocalDate represents a calendar date without the time and the zone information. ZonedDateTime instance contains all three information i.e. date, time and zone.

ZonedDateTime = LocalDate + time + timezone

1. LocalDate to ZonedDateTime

To convert a LocalDate instance to ZonedDateTime instance, we have two approaches.

1.1. LocalDate -> ZonedDateTime

If we only want to convert a local date in the current timezone to localdate in a different timezone i.e. only want to add zone information, then we can use LocalDate.atStartOfDay(zoneId) method.

LocalDate localDate =;

ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime = localDate.atStartOfDay(ZoneId.of("EST5EDT"));


Program output.


1.2. LocalDate -> LocalDateTime -> ZonedDateTime

If we want to add both time and timezone information to a localdate, then we need to add both parts one by one to get to ZonedDateTime instance. We can use the following methods to add the time information to local date.

  • ZonedDateTime atStartOfDay()
  • ZonedDateTime atTime(LocalTime time)
  • ZonedDateTime atTime(int hour, int minutes)
  • ZonedDateTime atTime(int hour, int minutes, int seconds)
  • ZonedDateTime atTime(int hour, int minute, int second, int nanoOfSecond)

Then we can use LocalDateTime.atZone(ZoneId) method to add zone information.

LocalDate localDate =;  //local date

LocalDateTime localDateTime = localDate.atTime(10, 45, 56);  //Add time information

ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of("Asia/Kolkata"); // Zone information

ZonedDateTime zdtAtAsia = localDateTime.atZone(zoneId); // add zone information

ZonedDateTime zdtAtET = zdtAtAsia
        .withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("America/New_York")); // Same time in ET timezone


Program output.


2. ZonedDateTime to LocalDate

To convert ZonedDateTime to LocalDate instance, use toLocalDate() method. It returns a LocalDate with the same year, month and day as given date-time.

ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime =;

LocalDate localDate = zonedDateTime.toLocalDate();


Program output.


Happy Learning !!

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