Sorting a Stream by Multiple Fields in Java

Learn to sort the streams of objects by multiple fields using Comparators and Comparator.thenComparing() method. This method returns a lexicographic-order comparator with another comparator. It gives the same effect as SQL GROUP BY clause.

1. Creating Comparators for Multiple Fields

To sort on multiple fields, we must first create simple comparators for each field on which we want to sort the stream items. Then we chain these Comparator instances in the desired order to give GROUP BY effect on complete sorting behavior.

Note that Comparator provides a few other methods that we can use if they fit in the requirements.

  • thenComparing(keyExtractor) :
  • thenComparing(comparator)
  • thenComparing(keyExtractor, comparator)
  • thenComparingDouble(keyExtractor)
  • thenComparingInt(keyExtractor)
  • thenComparingLong(keyExtractor)
//first name comparator
Comparator<Employee> compareByFirstName = Comparator.comparing( Employee::getFirstName );
//last name comparator
Comparator<Employee> compareByLastName = Comparator.comparing( Employee::getLastName );
//Compare by first name and then last name (multiple fields)
Comparator<Employee> compareByFullName = compareByFirstName.thenComparing(compareByLastName);
//Using Comparator - pseudo code comparator ).collect();

2. Sorting with Complex Comparator

Given below is an example of using thenComparing() to create Comparator which is capable of sorting the employees’ list by their first name and last name.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
public class Main 
  public static void main(String[] args) 
    ArrayList<Employee> employees = getUnsortedEmployeeList();
    //Compare by first name and then last name
    Comparator<Employee> compareByName = Comparator
    List<Employee> sortedEmployees =
  private static ArrayList<Employee> getUnsortedEmployeeList() 
    ArrayList<Employee> list = new ArrayList<>();
    list.add( new Employee(2l, "Lokesh", "Gupta") );
    list.add( new Employee(1l, "Alex", "Gussin") );
    list.add( new Employee(4l, "Brian", "Sux") );
    list.add( new Employee(5l, "Neon", "Piper") );
    list.add( new Employee(3l, "David", "Beckham") );
    list.add( new Employee(7l, "Alex", "Beckham") );
    list.add( new Employee(6l, "Brian", "Suxena") );
        return list;

Program Output.

[E[id=7, firstName=Alex,  lastName=Beckham], 
E [id=1, firstName=Alex,  lastName=Gussin], 
E [id=4, firstName=Brian,   lastName=Sux], 
E [id=6, firstName=Brian,   lastName=Suxena], 
E [id=3, firstName=David,   lastName=Beckham], 
E [id=2, firstName=Lokesh,  lastName=Gupta], 
E [id=5, firstName=Neon,  lastName=Piper]]

3. Conclusion

Similar to the chained predicates, we can combine any number of Comparators to create any complex sorting logic and sort the Stream items with it.

We can use other Comparator methods as well as documented in the official Java docs.

Happy Learning !!

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