Accessing Command-Line Application Arguments in Spring Boot

Learn to retrieve and access the application startup arguments in @Component annotated classes and @Bean annotated methods in a Spring boot application using org.springframework.boot.ApplicationArguments class.

For Spring Boot 2.x, we can pass the arguments using

mvn spring-boot:run

Each word after the run command is an argument. The arguments that start with '-' are option argument; and others are non-option arguments.

1. Spring ApplicationArguments as Constructor Injection

The constructor injection is a fairly simple way to gain access to application arguments. Here we need to use the command line arguments in the constructor itself.

public class ArgsComponent
	private List<String> customArgument;

	public ArgsComponent(ApplicationArguments args)
		this.customArgument = args.getOptionValues("customArgument");

2. @Autowired ApplicationArguments

If we do not specifically require arguments in the constructor, autowiring is the cleaner way to inject ApplicationArguments class in any Spring component or configuration class.

public class ArgsComponent
	private List<String> customArgument;

	private ApplicationArguments args;

	public ArgsComponent()
		this.customArgument = args.getOptionValues("customArgument");

3. Using @Value Annotation

The @Value annotation is generally used to inject the values configured in the We can use @Value in inject the command line arguments as well.

It also means that command-line arguments can override the application properties.

public class ArgsComponent
	private String customArgument;


Drop me your questions related to this spring boot command line arguments example to demonstrate access command line arguments while executing spring boot jar application.

Happy Learning !!


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