Spring Boot @KafkaListener and @KafkaHandler Example

The @KafkaListener and @KafkaHandler annotations are part of Spring for Apache Kafka integration. They provide convenient ways to consume and handle messages from Kafka topics.

1. Maven

To receive messages using @KafkaListener, we need to add the latest version Spring Kafka module, if not included already.

  <version>3.0.7</version> <!-- version is optional in a spring boot project-->

2. Default Behavior

When we add the bare minimum required properties, Spring boot’s KafkaAutoConfiguration class creates and registers the DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory along with other necessary beans.


The default autoconfiguration allows us to use the @KafkaListener annotated methods in a Spring @Component to receive the messages from the specified topics.

public class KafKaTopicListeners {

  private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KafKaTopicListeners.class);

  @KafkaListener(topics = "general-task-topic")
  public void consume(TaskStatus taskStatus) {

    logger.info(String.format("Task status is updated : " + taskStatus));

3. @KafkaListener Annotation

The @KafkaListener annotation is used to mark a method as a Kafka message listener on the specified topics. Processing of @KafkaListener annotations is performed by registering a KafkaListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor.

The @KafkaListener is a repeatable annotation and it can be declared several times on the same method (or class), implicitly generating @KafkaListeners container annotation.

Apart from providing the topic names, we can specify the consumer group and factory details as well.

  id = "myListener",
  topics = "my-topic",
  groupId = "my-group",
  concurrency = "3",
  containerFactory = "kafkaListenerContainerFactory"
public void handleMessage(String message) {

Also, note that the annotated methods can also specify the following parameters:

  • ConsumerRecord: to access the raw Kafka message.
  • Acknowledgment: to manually acknowledge the message.
  • @Payload: binds a method parameter to the payload of a message.
  • @Header: binds a method parameter method to a message header.
  • @Headers: binds a method parameter method to all message headers.
  • MessageHeaders: headers for a message.
  • MessageHeaderAccessor: wrapper around MessageHeaders that provides extra features.
@KafkaListener(topics = "my-topic")
public void handleMessage(ConsumerRecord<String, String> record) {
	String key = record.key();
        String value = record.value();

Another example is the annotated method accepting message headers:

@KafkaListener(topics = "my-topic")
public void handleMessage(
	@Payload String message,
	@Header(KafkaHeaders.RECEIVED_TOPIC) String topic,
	@Header(KafkaHeaders.RECEIVED_PARTITION_ID) int partition) {


We can use @KafkaListener annotation on a method as well as at the class level.

3.1. @KafkaListener at Method Level

When @KafkaListener is defined at the method level, a listener container is created for each method configured with a MethodKafkaListenerEndpoint.

public class KafKaTopicListeners {

  @KafkaListener(topics = "general-task-topic")
  public void handleMessage(String message) {


  @KafkaListener(topics = "general-task-topic")
  public void handleMessage(TaskStatus taskStatus) {


  @KafkaListener(topics = "another-topic")
  public void handleMessage(String message) {


3.2. @KafkaListener at Class Level

When @KafkaListener is defined at the class level, a single message listener container is used to service all methods annotated with @KafkaHandler configured with a MultiMethodKafkaListenerEndpoint.

Please note that it is important that methods must not cause any ambiguity; a single method should be resolved as the handler for a particular inbound message.

@KafkaListener(topics = "general-task-topic")
@KafkaListener(topics = "another-topic")
public class KafKaTopicListeners {

  public void handleMessage(String message) {


  public void handleMessage(TaskStatus taskStatus) {


  public void handleMessage(TaskResult message) {


3.3. Default Message Handler

When a message arrives, the method selection depends on the class type of the message. The class type is matched with a single non-annotated parameter or one that is annotated with @Payload. If there is no match found for the message type, we can designate a default fallback method to handle all such unmatched messages.

@KafkaHandler(isDefault = true)
public void handleMessage(Object message) {


4. Demo

For demo purposes, we are using the application created for KafkaTemplate example. We will be publishing the two messages. The first message payload is TaskStatus and we will assign a specific listener for it. The second message will be received by the default message handler.

public class Application implements CommandLineRunner {

  KafkaTemplate kafkaTemplate;

  KafkaProperties kafkaProperties;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);

  public void run(String... args) throws Exception {

  	//1st message
    kafkaTemplate.send("general-task-topic", 0, "taskId", new TaskStatus("taskId", "taskName", 50.0f, Status.RUNNING));

    //2nd message
    kafkaTemplate.send("general-task-topic", "test-message");

The message listeners for the above messages is:

@KafkaListener(topics = "general-task-topic", groupId = "task-group")
public class KafKaTopicListeners {

  private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KafKaTopicListeners.class);

  public void handleMessage(TaskStatus taskStatus) {

    logger.info(String.format("Task status is updated : " + taskStatus));

  @KafkaHandler(isDefault = true)
  public void handleMessage(Object message) {

    logger.info(String.format("The default message is : " + message.toString()));

Run the application and observe the output:

... c.h.d.jms.service.KafKaTopicListeners    : Task status is updated : TaskStatus(taskId=taskId, taskName=taskName, percentageComplete=50.0, status=RUNNING)

... c.h.d.jms.service.KafKaTopicListeners    : Task status is updated : test-message

We successfully received both messages.

5. Conclusion

This Spring boot Kafka tutorial discussed the different ways we can use the @KafkaListener and @KafkaHandler annotations. We discussed the annotation attributes and annotated method parameters. Finally, we saw a demo that showed both annotations in action.

Happy Learning !!

Source Code on Github


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