JUnit 5: Non-Static @BeforeAll and @AfterAll Methods

Since JUnit 4, the @BeforeClass and @AfterClass methods for setup and teardown operations had to be declared as static. In JUnit 5, this restriction has been lifted and we can use equivalent @BeforeAll and @AfterAll annotations on non-static methods too, thus offering more flexibility and enabling the use of instance-specific setup and cleanup logic.

In this JUnit 5 tutorial, we will learn to write non-static @BeforeAll and @AfterAll methods by annotating our test with @TestInstance(TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS) and thus using these methods to access test instance-specific variables in them.

1. By Default, @BeforeAll and @AfterAll Methods should be ‘Static

In JUnit 5, @BeforeAll and @AfterAll methods had to be declared as static, meaning they were associated with the test class itself rather than with instances of the class.

Sometimes, this can be a limitation, for example, when running tests in parallel. In a parallel execution environment, static methods may introduce concurrency issues, but non-static methods ensure each test instance is isolated.

public class TestClass {

  static void setupBeforeAll() {
    // Class-specific setup logic before all tests.

  static void cleanupAfterAll() {
    // Class-specific cleanup logic after all tests.

  void test1() {
    // Test 1 logic.

  void test2() {
    // Test 2 logic.

2. Making @BeforeAll and @AfterAll Methods as Non-Static

To write and use non-static @BeforeAll and @AfterAll methods in JUnit 5, we must annotate the test class with @TestInstance(TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS). This indicates that we want to use a non-static test instance lifecycle. This ensures that JUnit creates a new test instance for each test class.

public class TestClass {

In the above example, the @BeforeAll and @AfterAll methods are non-static. This allows them to access instance-specific data or perform instance-specific setup and cleanup operations.

public class TestClass {

  void setupBeforeAll() {
    // Instance-specific setup logic before all tests.

  void cleanupAfterAll() {
    // Instance-specific cleanup logic after all tests.

  void test1() {
    // Test 1 logic.

  void test2() {
    // Test 2 logic.

3. An Example

Suppose we have a shopping cart module and we want to test the functionality in a concurrent environment. We have written the following test class that utilizes a shopping cart, as a list, and tests the add/remove operations.

We ran the tests repeatedly and concurrently for 10 times.

public class TestNonStaticBeforeAllAndAfterAll {

  private static List<String> cart = new ArrayList<>();

  static void setupBeforeAll() {
    System.out.println("Setting up the shopping cart for all tests");
    cart.add("Item 1");
    cart.add("Item 2");

  static void cleanupAfterAll() {
    System.out.println("Cleaning up the shopping cart after all tests");

  void testAddItemToCart() {
    cart.add("Item 3");
    // Test logic to add an item and assert its presence in the cart.

  void testRemoveItemFromCart() {
    cart.remove("Item 1");
    cart.remove("Item 2");
    cart.remove("Item 3");
    // Test logic to remove an item and assert its absence in the cart.

In addition, we configured the default execution mode for top-level classes to parallel by setting the following properties /src/test/resources/junit-platform.properties file.

junit.jupiter.execution.parallel.enabled = true
junit.jupiter.execution.parallel.mode.default = concurrent
junit.jupiter.execution.parallel.mode.classes.default = concurrent

Now when we run the test class a few times, several tests will fail because of the concurrent access to cart in separate test class instances.

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -1 out of bounds for length 10

	at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.fastRemove(ArrayList.java:724)
	at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.remove(ArrayList.java:711)
	at com.howtodoinjava.junit5.examples.TestNonStaticBeforeAllAndAfterAll

To fix the issue, we will make the recommended changes in the first section of this article i.e. making the test lifecycle PER_CLASS.

This is the updated test class.

public class TestNonStaticBeforeAllAndAfterAll {

  private List<String> cart = new ArrayList<>();

  void setupBeforeAll() {
    System.out.println("Setting up the shopping cart for all tests");
    cart.add("Item 1");
    cart.add("Item 2");

  void cleanupAfterAll() {
    System.out.println("Cleaning up the shopping cart after all tests");

  void testAddItemToCart() {
    cart.add("Item 3");
    // Test logic to add an item and assert its presence in the cart.

  void testRemoveItemFromCart() {
    cart.remove("Item 1");
    cart.remove("Item 2");
    cart.remove("Item 3");
    // Test logic to remove an item and assert its absence in the cart.

Now when running the test class again in the concurrent environment, all the tests pass every time.

4. Conclusion

In this JUnit 5 tutorial, we learned to use non-static @BeforeAll and @AfterAll methods that help in accessing the test instance-specific variables in these setup and teardown methods. For quick reference again, we need to annotate our test with @TestInstance(TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS).

Happy Learning !!

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