Java Concurrency Interview Questions

Java concurrency has evolved a lot from introducing Thread and Runnable to releasing virtual threads in Java 21. Although the low-level and inner workings of concurrency constructs (such as Lock and synchronization) are abstracted by the higher-level classes (such as BlockingQueue and ThreadPool), it is still expected to know how things work under the hood.

The following questions and answers will help you to better prepare for your next Java interview. In most parts of this article, threads will refer to platform threads. Whenever needed, we will separately refer to virtual threads.

1. Basic Concepts

1.1. What is the difference between Process and Thread? What is Context Switching?

When we execute a Java program, the OS creates a process and allocates the necessary memory and resources. The JVM is responsible for managing it, thereafter, for memory allocations and I/O operations. Internally, JVM creates multiple threads to execute different parts of the program concurrently.

In more concise words, a process is a program under execution, performing a set of actions specified in the program. In contrast, a thread is a subset of the process, also known as the lightweight process.

  • The OS manages the processes, and they exist in their own memory space. A process has its own data that is not shared with any other processes. Whereas the thread scheduler manages a thread, the thread always shares data, processor, and memory space with peer threads.
  • Proper synchronization is required in the case of threads, but in the case of process, there is no need for synchronization as they work in an isolated manner.
  • The process takes more time in creation, context switching, and termination compared to threads.

Context switching is a technique that includes saving the current state of a running thread, restoring it later when it has to be executed, and giving a chance to other waiting threads to execute. Context switching is necessary to execute multiple threads concurrently, although the time taken in switching impacts the application’s performance. To optimize the performance, various techniques are used such as thread prioritization, preemption, and CPU caching.

1.2. Different ways to define and run a thread?

We can create a Thread in the following ways:

  • By extending the Thread class
  • By implementing the Runnable interface
  • Creating virtual thread using Thread.startVirtualThread() or Thread.ofVirtual()

To run the thread, we call the Thread class start() method, which is responsible for registering the thread with the thread scheduler and putting it in RUNNABLE state. The executable code is written in the run() method.

public class SubTask extends Thread {

  public void run() {
    System.out.println("SubTask started...");

//Start the thread

Thread subTask = new SubTask();

When using Runnable interface, we put the executable code in the overridden run() method and pass the Runnable instance to Thread constructor before starting it.

class SubTaskWithRunnable implements Runnable {

  public void run() {
    System.out.println("SubTaskWithRunnable started...");

Thread subTaskWithRunnable = new Thread(new SubTaskWithRunnable());

Virtual threads are a relatively new feature and are entirely handled by JVM, including context switching. The Thread.startVirtualThread() creates a new virtual thread to execute a given Runnable task and schedules it to execute.

Runnable runnable = () -> System.out.println("Inside Runnable");

1.3. How can you define the stack size explicitly for a Thread?

The Thread class defines the following constructor through which we can determine the stack size explicitly for the new thread.

The effect of the stackSize parameter, if any, is highly platform dependent. In some platforms, a higher value of stack size may allow a deeper recursion depth before throwing StackOverflowError, and in other platforms, it may not have any effect at all.

new Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name, long stackSize);

1.4. Explain various states of the Thread lifecycle. Explain the state transitions.

During its lifetime, a thread can be in the following states:

  • NEW
  • RUNNABLE (Ready or Running)
  • When you create an instance of the Thread class, the thread is in the NEW state.
  • When you call the start() method on that thread class object, the thread is in the RUNNABLE (Ready to Run) state. In this state, the thread is waiting for the thread scheduler to assign the processor to it.
  • When the thread acquired the processor from thread-scheduler it starts executing the run() method, and it’s in the RUNNABLE (running) state.
  • On the running thread, if you call sleep(time), join(time) or wait(time), the thread enters into the TIMED WAITING state, and when the corresponding event takes place, then the thread returns back to the RUNNABLE (Ready to Run) state.
  • On the running thread, if you call join(), wait() or suspend(), the thread enters into the WAITING state, and when the corresponding event takes place then the thread returns back to the RUNNABLE (Ready to Run) state.
  • While calling notify() or notifyAll() method thread does not immediately release the lock that’s why the waiting thread that got the notification has to wait for the running thread to release the lock of the object. At this stage, the thread is in the BLOCKED state. Once the thread acquires the lock then it moves to the RUNNABLE (Ready to Run) state.
  • If the run() method completes or we call the stop() method on the running thread, the thread enters into the DEAD or TERMINATED state.

See Also: Java Thread Life Cycle and States

1.5. Can we override Thread.start()?

Yes, we can override the Thread.start() method, but the overridden method will be executed just like a normal method call executed by the main thread only. It will not spawn a new Thread similar to the default start() method.

class ChildThread extends Thread {

  public void start() {
    System.out.println("Overriding start() method in ChildThread");

  public void run(){
    System.out.println("ChildThread run() method");

Create a new ChildThread instance and call its start() method. It does not start a new thread and run() method is not executed.

ChildThread childThread = new ChildThread();


Overriding start() method in ChildThread

To initialize a new Thread, we must call the super.start() method from the child thread; only then the run() method will be executed.

public void start() {
  super.start();  //Calling Thread.start()
  System.out.println("Overriding start() method in ChildThread");


Overriding start() method in ChildThread
ChildThread run() method

1.6. What if we don’t override the run() method?

If we don’t override the run() method in the extended class then the default method will be executed which has an empty body. Hence a new Thread will be created and executed which does nothing.

class SubTask extends Thread { }

SubTask subtask = new SubTask();

// New thread will be created and no output will be printed to the console.

1.7. What is thread priority? What is the default thread priority?

Thread priority is an integer number between 1 to 10 assigned to each thread in the JVM. Thread priority is used by the thread scheduler at the time of thread execution. While allocating the processor to the thread, the thread scheduler gives the first chance to the thread with the highest priority.

The default priority for any thread is inherited from the parent thread. As the default priority for the main thread is 5, so all child threads will have the default priority of 5.

System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getPriority());   //5

//Create a new child thread
MyThread thread = new MyThread();

//Child thread has priority of parent thread		
System.out.println(thread.getPriority()); //10

The Thread class defines 3 constants to represent the min, max, and default priority of any thread.

Thread.MIN_PRIORITY = 1;
Thread.MAX_PRIORITY = 10;

1.8. What is the difference between a user thread and a daemon thread?  

The user threads are created by the application and are responsible for performing business tasks. For example, tasks submitted to ExecutorService are executed with user threads. Or the threads in a thread pool are user threads.

The daemon threads, generally, are created by the JVM with low priority than user threads and are executed in the background to support the user threads for smooth execution of the program. For example, garbage collection is a daemon thread started by JVM. Similarly, the finalizers are typically performed in daemon threads.

Note that daemon nature inherits from parent-to-child threads. The main() method is always a non-daemon thread so any other thread created from it will remain non-daemon until explicitly made daemon by calling setDaemon(true) method.

Task thread1 = new Task("thread1");

Also, we cannot convert a user thread to a daemon thread after it has started.

Task thread = new Task("user-thread");

thread.setDaemon(true);           // java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException

We can check the daemon nature of a thread using the Thread class method isDaemon().

System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().isDaemon());    //false

The JVM will forcefully terminate all daemon threads, even if they are still executing, once all user threads are completed.

1.9. What is ThreadGroup and its purpose? What is the default ThreadGroup?

The java.lang.ThreadGroup class represents a group of threads and their subgroups. The purpose of ThreadGroup is to perform common activities for all threads present inside that thread group, like interrupting all threads, suspending all threads, setting max priority, etc.

Each thread in Java always belongs to a thread group. We can define the thread group of a new thread explicitly using the Thread class constructor.

Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target)
Thread(ThreadGroup group, String name)

If we don’t define thread group explicitly, then the default thread group is inherited from the parent thread’s thread group.

The ‘main’ acts as the root thread group for all Java threads and thread groups.

public static void main(String[] args) {

  System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup().getName());  //main

1.10. What is fairness policy?

In concurrency, a fairness policy means that different threads can advance whatever they are doing. In a 100% fairness policy, all threads should advance their work in almost equal portions. A 0% fairness policy means that one single thread advances all the time, and all other threads never (or rarely) make any progress.

Due to an unfair waiting policy, a thread can be waiting infinitely to acquire a lock and face starvation. To avoid this starvation problem, the lock must follow a fair waiting policy which says that the longest waiting thread must get the higher priority and should acquire the lock first, which in-directly means that threads must acquire the lock in the order they requested it.

To provide fairness, java.lang.ReentrantLock class defines a constructor with a boolean parameter named fair. By default, the fairness policy is set to false which means the lock does not guarantee any particular access order. When set true, under contention, locks favor granting access to the longest-waiting thread.

ReentrantLock(boolean fair)

Note, however, that the fairness of locks does not guarantee the fairness of thread scheduling.

2. Thread Synchronization

2.1. What is a synchronized block, method, and statement?

In concurrency, it may often happen that multiple threads try to access and modify the same resource at the same time which ultimately produces erroneous results which is also known as data-inconsistency. To avoid data-inconsistency problems, some kind of synchronization is required, where only one thread can access and modify the resource at a given point of time.

Synchronization in Java guarantees that no two threads can execute a synchronized method, which requires the same lock, simultaneously or concurrently.

We can declare a method as synchronized to achieve synchronization, i.e only one thread can call that method on the same object. Which requires a thread to get the object level lock to execute that method.

public synchronized int debitMoney(){...} //on the same object only one thread can call debitMoney() method at a time

When synchronized is used for a static method, i.e. only one thread can call that method on any instance of a class. It requires a thread to get the class-level lock to execute that method.

public static synchronized int debitMoney(){...} //on any object only one thread can call that method at a time.

We can declare a block inside a method using the synchronized keyword to achieve synchronization for only some statements of the method present inside the synchronized block.

public synchronized int debitMoney(){
    synchronized(this){...} //achive synchronization for statments inside this block only

Any statements declared inside the synchronized area are known as synchronized statements.

2.2. What is the advantage of the ‘synchronized block’ over the ‘synchronized method’?

In only a few statements inside a long method requiring synchronization, declaring the entire method as synchronized reduces the performance of the method and thus the whole program, as it increases the waiting time of all threads accessing the method. At this time declaring those only statements inside the synchronized block is very effective.

public void bookTicket(){
    // ...
	// ...

In the synchronized block we can define the object on which we require synchronization (on other class objects also) but in the case of the synchronized method, we can achieve synchronization only on the same class object only.

2.3. How is the synchronized keyword internally implemented?

The synchronized keyword is internally implemented using the concept of lock. Each and every class and object are having a single unique lock that can be acquired by a thread, to perform synchronous modifications.

If the thread not having the corresponding class or object lock then that thread can’t call any synchronized methods or can’t execute the synchronized block of that class. But no restriction for non-synchronized methods and blocks.

2.4. why can’t we declare a synchronized method as abstract?

In general, synchronization requires a lock to be acquired before a method can be executed, and a lock is an implementation feature. Since an abstract method does not have an implementation (and lock), it cannot be synchronized.

Hence declaring the synchronized method as abstract makes no sense.

public abstract synchronized int debitMoney(); // CE: illegal combination of modifiers: abstract and synchronized

3. Difference between

3.1. What is the difference between yield(), join() and sleep()?


The yield() method called on any thread pauses the currently executing thread as it’s not doing any critical or important operations and gives the chance to other waiting threads with the same or higher priority. The yield() method is defined in Thread class as follows:

public static native void yield();

As it’s the static method we can call the yield() method directly using the class name.


Calling the yield() method will move the thread from the RUNNABLE (Running) to the RUNNABLE (Ready to Run) state.


The join() method is used to wait for some other thread (on which the join() method is called) to complete its execution. After completion of that thread, the waiting thread can continue or start its execution. The join() method is defined in Thread class as follows:

public final void join() throws InterruptedException;
public final synchronized void join(long millis) throws InterruptedException;
public final synchronized void join(long millis, int nanos) throws InterruptedException;

Calling the join() method will move the thread from the RUNNABLE (Running) to the WAITING state and calling the join(int millis), join(int millis, int nanos) method will move the thread from the RUNNABLE (Running) to the TIMED WAITING state.


The sleep() method of the Thread class is used to pause the currently executing thread for a particular amount of time. After the specified time elapse the thread can continue its execution. The sleep() method is defined in Thread class as follows:

public static native void sleep(long millis) throws InterruptedException;
public static void sleep(long millis, int nanos) throws InterruptedException;

Calling the sleep() method will move the thread from the RUNNABLE (Running) to the TIMED WAITING state.

See Also: Java Concurrency – Difference between yield() and join()

3.2. What is the difference between notify() and notifyAll()?

Only one thread is notified among all the waiting threads.All waiting threads will are notified.
The risk of infinite waiting and missing the execution of a thread is very high as there may be a chance that some thread does not get the notification.The risk of infinite waiting and missing the execution of a thread is very low as each and every thread will get a notification.
CPU drain is very low hence performance is very high as only one waiting thread has to get the notification.CPU drain is very high hence performance is very low as every waiting threads have to get the notification.
Only one waiting thread will be executed which got the notification.Which thread will execute depends on the thread scheduler as every waiting thread got the notification.

See Also: wait(), notify() and notifyAll() methods

3.3.What is the difference between Callable and Runnable?

If a thread is not required to return some value after completing its execution then use Runnable interfaceIf a thread is required to return some value after completing its execution then use Callable interface
The Runnable interface is defined inside java.lang package since Java 1.0.The Callable interface is defined inside java.util.concurrent package since Java 1.5.
The Runnable interface contains the run() method

public interface Runnable {
public abstract void run();
The Callable interface contains the call() method

public interface Callable<V> {
V call() throws Exception;
We can pass the Runnable as a parameter to the Thread class constructor as targetRunnableWe can’t pass the Callable as a parameter to the Thread class constructor
We can’t call invokeAll(), invokeAny() methods of ExecutorService by passing the collection of Runnable as a parameterWe can call invokeAll(), invokeAny() methods of ExecutorService by passing the collection of Callable as a parameter

See Also: Difference between Callable and Runnable

3.4. What is the difference between class-level lock and object-level lock?

The object-level lock is used when we want to synchronize the instance properties or critical sections of a class such that only one thread can execute synchronized methods and locks on the given instance.

We can achieve object-level locking using the synchronized keyword.

public synchronized void demoMethod(){...}

synchronized (this){...}

The class-level lock is used when we want to synchronize class-specific properties or critical sections (static members) such that only one thread can execute synchronized methods and blocks on any instance of that class in the runtime.

We can achieve object-level locking using the synchronized keyword with a static method.

public synchronized static void demoMethod(){...}


synchronized (MyClass.class){...}

Read More: Object level lock vs Class level lock

4. Deadlock, Livelock, and Race Condition

4.1. What is the deadlock and the main reason behind the deadlock?

A deadlock is a situation where two threads are holding the lock on some different resources, and both threads are waiting for each other to release the lock but no one is able to release to lock on the resources that it’s holding, and both threads remain in the BLOCKED state and end up creating a circular dependency. Hence this infinite amount of waiting for each other to release the lock is nothing but a deadlock.

A real-life example of a deadlock situation is “Couples saying on the phone: No, you hang up first”.

Thread synchronization is the main reason behind the deadlock situation. Improper use of synchronized methods and blocks can lead our program to a deadlock situation. Hence it’s never recommended to use synchronization if there is no specific requirement.

See Also: How to Create a Deadlock and Solve in Java

4.2. What is the difference between Deadlock, Livelock, and Starvation?


A deadlock is a situation where two or more threads are waiting infinitely for each other to release the lock on the resource that they are holding.

Thread T1 acquires a lock on resource R1, and thread T2 acquires a lock on resource R2. Now thread T1 needs a lock on resource R2, and thread T2 needs a lock on resource R1. In this case, among T1 and T2 no thread makes the first move and releases the lock which they already have and they both get stuck in an infinite amount of waiting time saying “No, you release first”.


Livelock is a condition where two or more threads are continuously changing their state and tries to make progress but no one making any progress, they end up reaching where they started. It’s like two people who meet face-to-face in a corridor, and both of them move aside to let the other pass and they end up making no progress.

Thread T1 acquires a lock on resource R1, and thread T2 acquires a lock on resource R2. Now thread T1 needs a lock on resource R2, and thread T2 needs a lock on resource R1. In this case, thread T1 tries to get the lock on R2 if it does not get it within some amount of time it releases the lock which it’s already having (i.e releases the lock on R1), and thread T2 does the same process if it does not get a lock on R1 within some amount of time it also releases the lock on R2. And after some time both T1 and T2 acquire the lock on R2 and R1 respectively and end up reaching the situation where they started.


Starvation is a situation where a thread has to wait for an indefinite amount of time due to some high-priority threads taking longer time to execute or in case of shared resources are made unavailable for long periods of time by some greedy threads.

Some important differences between deadlock, livelock, and starvation are:

  • In a deadlock, threads remain in the waiting state whereas, in a livelock threads continuously change their state but end up making no progress.
  • In deadlock and livelock, no threads are making progress whereas, in case of starvation, high-priority or greedy thread is making progress.
  • In a deadlock, there is no chance of getting the resource but in case of starvation, the thread will get the resource even after waiting for a long period of time
  • In a deadlock, threads are not making any efforts to resolve the deadlock whereas in livelock threads are continuously making efforts to resolve it.
  • Deadlock, livelock, and starvation all can decrease the overall efficiency of our application.

4.3. Write a program to demonstrate deadlock

Real-life example demonstrating the deadlock using synchronized methods.

class Product {

	static Checkout checkout;

	public synchronized void confirmPurchase() {

		System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Confirming product purchase");

		try {
			System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Went away to another Site");
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {

		System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Continuing process and now need to process the payment");



	public synchronized void modifyStock() {

		System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Modifying stock in product database.");



class Checkout {

	static Product product;

	public synchronized void processPayment() {

		System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Started payment process");

		try {
			System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Taking some time to verify payment with partner bank");
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {

		System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Completed the payment now need to modify the stock");



class CustomerOne implements Runnable {

	Product product;
	Checkout checkout;

	public CustomerOne(Product product, Checkout checkout) {
		this.product = product;
		this.checkout = checkout;

	public void run() {

		/* Customer One first buys the product and then process the payment*/



class CustomerTwo implements Runnable {

	Product product;
	Checkout checkout;

	public CustomerTwo(Product product, Checkout checkout) {
		this.product = product;
		this.checkout = checkout;

	public void run() {
		 * Customer Two already added product to the cart and now directly
		 * processing the payment.




public class DeadLockRealLifeExample {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		Product product = new Product();
		Checkout checkout = new Checkout();

		Product.checkout = checkout;
		Checkout.product = product;

		Thread customerOneThread = new Thread(new CustomerOne(product, checkout), "CustomerOneThread");

		Thread customerTwoThread = new Thread(new CustomerTwo(product, checkout), "CustomerTwoThread");




In the above example, the real-life scenario of an e-commerce website is represented where two different customer threads are trying to process two synchronized methods and end up trapped in a deadlock.

Let’s understand how we are trapped in a deadlock in the above example. There are two customers in the above code, in which the first customer is confirming the product purchase so it is calling the confirmPurchase() method of the Product class, which is a synchronized method hence CustomerOneThread acquires the lock of the Product class. Now during the confirmation of the purchase, the first customer went away to some other website to cross-check the price. At that time the second customer logins and check out the products which are already added to the cart. So CustomerTwoThread calls the processPayment() method of the CheckOut class, which is again a synchronized method so CustomerTwoThread acquires the lock of the CheckOut class, and that payment takes some time to complete.

Meanwhile, the first customer returns and confirms the purchase, and now the first customer needs to process the payment, so it tries to call the processPayment() method of the CheckOut class but as it is a synchronized method, it requires the lock of the CheckOut class. But, the lock of the CheckOut class is already acquired by CustomerTwoThread so CustomerOneThread enters the Blocked state. Now after the CustomerTwoThread completed the payment, it tries to modify the product stock as he successfully bought the product, so it tries to call the modifyStock() method of the Product class which is also a synchronized method so, CustomerTwoThread requires the lock of the Product class, but that lock is already acquired by CustomerOneThread so, CustomerTwoThread also enters the Blocked state. And both are in the Blocked state waiting for each other to release the lock that they are holding on the class.

Output (it can be different in each run):

CustomerTwoThread Started payment process
CustomerOneThread Confirming product purchase
CustomerTwoThread Taking some time to verify payment with partner bank
CustomerOneThread Went away to another Site
CustomerTwoThread Completed the payment now need to modify the stock
CustomerOneThread Continuing process and now need to process the payment
......(infinite ammount of waiting)

Let’s detect this deadlock in the jconsole.

4.4. What is race condition? how to find and fix it?

The race condition is a concurrency bug that may occur due to the concurrent execution of a critical section or shared resource by multiple threads without proper synchronization mechanisms. This may lead our program to a data inconsistency problem because the change in the sequence of execution of threads may produce a major change in the final result also.

There are two types of race conditions:

a. Read-Modify-Write

In this type of race condition, two or more threads read the same value of a variable and then modify the value. In this case, the new value of a variable somehow depends on the previous value.

For example, suppose two threads are trying to increment the value of a shared counter. If both threads read the current value of the variable and increment it independently, and then update in their turn. Then the final value of the counter will be incorrect because both threads are incrementing the value based on the same original value, rather than incrementing it based on each other’s updates.

Let’s understand this scenario by taking a real-world example. Suppose in a company the salary increment of an employee takes place in two phases. First associate hr level increment and then head hr level increment, hence final increment will be equal to increment by associate hr + increment by head hr.

public class ReadModifyWrite implements Runnable {

	static int salary = 100000;

	public void run() {

		System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " reading currentSalary");
		int currentSalary = salary;

		try {
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {

		System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " incrementing currentSalary");
		salary = currentSalary += 10000;


	public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

		Thread.currentThread().setName("Head HR");

		Thread associateHrThread = new Thread(new ReadModifyWrite(), "Associate HR");

		System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " reading currentSalary");
		int currentSalary = salary;


		System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " incrementing currentSalary");
		salary = currentSalary += 20000;

		System.out.println("My Final Salary After Associate and Head Level HR Increament Is : " + salary);


Output (it can be different in each run):

Head HR reading currentSalary
Associate HR reading currentSalary
Associate HR increamenting currentSalary
Head HR increamenting currentSalary
My Final Salary After Associate and Head Level HR Increment Is : 120000

In the above example, the final increment after associate and hr level should be 130000 but in the output, we are getting 120000 due to a race condition.

b. Check-Then-Act

In this type of race condition, two or more threads check the same condition and then act based on the result of the condition, which may also lead our program to a data inconsistency problem.

In the following example, both threads check the condition that whether HashMap contains the 101 key or not, and both get true as the result, and both try to put the value with the 101 key to the HashMap, and this generates data inconsistency in the HashMap.

import java.util.HashMap;

public class CheckThenAct implements Runnable {

	static HashMap<Integer, String> hashMap = new HashMap<>();

	public void run() {
		if (!hashMap.containsKey(101)) {
			System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Checked that there is no Entry with 101 key in hashMap");

			try {
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {

			hashMap.put(101, "ValueBy" + Thread.currentThread().getName());

	public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

		Thread newThread = new Thread(new CheckThenAct(), "NewThread");

		if (!hashMap.containsKey(101)) {
			System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Checked that there is no Entry with 101 key in hashMap");

			hashMap.put(101, "ValueBy" + Thread.currentThread().getName());



Output (it can be different in each run):

main Checked that there is no Entry with 101 key in hashMap
NewThread Checked that there is no Entry with 101 key in hashMap


main Checked that there is no Entry with 101 key in hashMap
NewThread Checked that there is no Entry with 101 key in hashMap

To prevent race conditions, we must ensure that the critical section is being executed by only one thread at a time, and this can be done by proper use of synchronization.

Let’s solve the problem that occurred in the Check-Then-Act race condition using synchronized blocks and class-level locking.

import java.util.HashMap;

public class CheckThenAct implements Runnable {

	static HashMap<Integer, String> hashMap = new HashMap<>();

	public void run() {

		synchronized (CheckThenAct.class) {
			if (!hashMap.containsKey(101)) {
						Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Checked that there is no Entry with 101 key in hashMap");

				try {
				} catch (InterruptedException e) {

				hashMap.put(101, "ValueBy" + Thread.currentThread().getName());


	public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

		Thread newThread = new Thread(new CheckThenAct(), "NewThread");

		synchronized (CheckThenAct.class) {
			if (!hashMap.containsKey(101)) {
						Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Checked that there is no Entry with 101 key in hashMap");

				hashMap.put(101, "ValueBy" + Thread.currentThread().getName());



main Checked that there is no Entry with 101 key in hashMap

In this case, the problem of data inconsistency will never raise as only one thread is adding the value in the HashMap.

5. Thread Safety

5.1. What is a Thread Safe class?

The term “thread safety” means different threads can access the same resource without exposing erroneous behaviors or producing unpredictable results.

To make the entire class thread safe we must ensure that the internal state of an instance is accessed and modified by only one thread at a time. There are multiple classes in Java that are already thread-safe. For example:

We can create our own thread class also. There are multiple ways to achieve thread safety in our class among them, some are listed below.

A real-world scenario where a movie theater is having 4 different counters to book tickets and 6 customers are there, each trying to book 2 tickets for the same movie.

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;

public class MovieTicketBooking {

    private final int totalSeat = 10;

    private int lastBookedSeat = 0;

    public synchronized String book(int numberOfSeats) {

        String response;

        if (lastBookedSeat == totalSeat) {
            response = "House Full! " + Thread.currentThread().getName();
        } else if (lastBookedSeat + numberOfSeats > totalSeat) {
            response = "Enough Seats Not Available " + Thread.currentThread().getName();
        } else {
            response = lastBookedSeat + 1 + " to ";
            lastBookedSeat += numberOfSeats;
            response += lastBookedSeat + " Seats Booked " + Thread.currentThread().getName();

        return response;

class Customer {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4); //4 threads means 4 different counters.

        MovieTicketBooking movieTicketBooking = new MovieTicketBooking();

        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { //6 customers
            threadPool.submit(() -> {


Output (it can be different in each run):

1 to 2 Seats Booked pool-1-thread-1
7 to 8 Seats Booked pool-1-thread-2
5 to 6 Seats Booked pool-1-thread-3
3 to 4 Seats Booked pool-1-thread-4
9 to 10 Seats Booked pool-1-thread-4
House Full! pool-1-thread-4

In the above example MovieTicketBooking is the thread-safe class as every field is private and the method is also synchronized, If we remove the synchronized keyword from the method declaration then we will get unpredictable results.

5.2. What is ThreadLocal class?

The ThreadLocal class is present in the “java.lang” package and it’s simply another way to achieve thread safety. It provides a way to declare thread-local variables that can only be accessed and modified by the same thread, by maintaining an individual and independently initialized copy of that variable for each thread. Even if two threads are executing the same code, and the code has a reference to the same ThreadLocal variable, the two threads cannot see and modify each other’s ThreadLocal variables.

Once the thread enters into the DEAD or TERMINATED state, all its thread-local variables will become eligible for Garbage Collector.

Let’s understand this by taking a real-world scenario where a chocolate box is having multiple chocolates, where 5 chocolates are reserved for each specific kids (i.e KidLocal chocolates), and In this case, two kids are eating chocolate from their own reserved chocolates.

public class ChocolateBox {
    private ThreadLocal<Integer> chocolates = new ThreadLocal<>() {
        protected Integer initialValue() {
            return 5;

    public void eat() {
        Integer availableChocolate = chocolates.get();

        if (availableChocolate == 0) {
            System.out.println("Dear " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " You've eaten all you chocolates ");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Dear " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " You ate one chocolate");

    public void availableChocolates() {
        System.out.println("Dear " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " You have "
                + chocolates.get() + " Chocolates");


class KidsEatingChocolate {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        ChocolateBox chocolateBox = new ChocolateBox();

        Thread kid1 = new Thread(() -> {
        }, "KidOne");

        Thread kid2 = new Thread(() -> {
        }, "KidTwo");


Output (it can be different in each run):

Dear KidTwo You ate one chocolate
Dear KidOne You ate one chocolate
Dear KidOne You ate one chocolate
Dear KidOne You ate one chocolate
Dear KidOne You have 2 Chocolates
Dear KidTwo You have 4 Chocolates
Dear KidTwo You ate one chocolate
Dear KidTwo You have 3 Chocolates

5.3. What is the difference between ThreadLocal and InheritableThreadLocal?

The value of the thread-local variable is not available to any other thread.The InheritableThreadLocal class is having its own method.
1. childValue()

(Also gets all ThreadLocal class methods in inheritance)
The ThreadLocal class extends the Object classThe InheritableThreadLocal class extends the ThreadLocal class
The default initial value of the thread-local variable is the default value of the corresponding data type.The default initial value of the thread-local variable is the value of the parent thread’s thread-local variable.
The ThreadLocal class is having its own five methods.
1. get()
2. initialValue()
3. remove()
4. set()
5. withInitial()
The InheritableThreadLocal class is having its own method.
1. childValue()
(Also inherits all ThreadLocal class methods in inheritance)
InheritableThreadLocal<Integer> threadLocal = new InheritableThreadLocal<>();

System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " " + threadLocal.get()); // main 1000

Thread t = new Thread(() -> {
    System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " " + threadLocal.get()); // ChildOfMain 1000
}, "ChildOfMain");

Does the child thread have direct access to the parent thread’s thread local variables?

No, the child thread is not having any direct access to the parent thread’s thread-local variable. When we are creating a child thread at that time internally new copy of the thread-local variable is created for the child thread and that variable is initialized using the value of the parent thread’s thread-local variable. After that initialization, if the value of the parent thread-specific thread-local variable is modified then that modification is not available to the child thread-specific thread-local variable.

public class InheritableThreadLocalDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        InheritableThreadLocal<Integer> threadLocal = new InheritableThreadLocal<>();
        threadLocal.set(1000); // Setting parent thread specific thread local variable's value to 1000

        //Creating child thread
        Thread t = new Thread(() -> {
            System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " " + threadLocal.get());
            try {
                Thread.sleep(1000); //giving chance to parent thread to execute.
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " "
                    + threadLocal.get()); //Here child thread won't get modified value
        }, "ChildOfMain");

        Thread.sleep(500); //giving chance to child thread to execute.
        threadLocal.set(2004); // Modifying parent thread specific thread local variable's value to 2004
        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " " + threadLocal.get());


Output (it can be different in each run):

ChildOfMain 1000
main 2004
ChildOfMain 1000

5.4. What is the volatile field? What does JVM guarantee for volatile fields?

In multithreaded applications, sometimes threads may copy variables from the main memory to the CPU cache to improve performance. And in the case of the multi-core processor, each thread may run on a different CPU. Hence threads may copy the variable in their respective CPU cache.

In the case of non-volatile variables, there is no guarantee that the JVM reads the data from the CPU cache or from the main memory and writes the data into the CPU cache or in the main memory. There raises the problem that threads may not be able to see the latest value of the shared variable, as the latest value is only modified in the cache memory of the respective previous thread’s cache memory and not written back into the main memory, this problem is called a “visibility problem”.

Let’s take an example of a volatile field to understand this problem further.

class VisibilityProblem {

    private static int counter = 10;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Thread readingThread = new Thread(() -> {
            while (true) {
                if (counter == 11) {
                    System.out.println("Counter: " + counter);

        Thread modifyingThread = new Thread(() -> {
            System.out.print("Modifying Counter from " + counter);
            System.out.println(" To " + counter);




Modifying Counter from 10 To 11
...(infinite ammount of waiting)

Here comes the purpose of volatile fields, declaring a variable as volatile, JVM gives volatile visibility guarantee that all modifications to that variable will be written back to the main memory immediately, and read operations will also be made from the main memory directly.

In the above example if we mark the shared variable counter as volatile then the output will be:

Modifying Counter from 10 To 11
Counter: 11

JVM guarantees full visibility for volatile variables

Full volatile visibility guarantee means while writing any volatile variable value to the main memory all non-volatile variables’ latest value will also be written to the main memory.

class FullVisibilityGuarantee {

    private static int rollNo;
    private static String name = "";
    private volatile static int marks;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Thread studentThread = new Thread(() -> {
            while (true) {
                if (marks > 90) {
                    System.out.println("Congratulation  " + rollNo + "_" + name + " you got " + marks + " marks ");
                    System.out.println("Congratulation You've Passes The Exam!");

        Thread teacherThread = new Thread(() -> {
            name = name + "Chandresh";
            rollNo = rollNo + 101;
            marks = marks + 92;

            System.out.println("Student " + rollNo + "_" + name + " got " + marks + " marks out of 100");





Congratulation  101_Chandresh you got 92 marks 
Congratulation You've Passes The Exam!
Student 101_Chandresh got 92 marks out of 100

In the above program writing value of the volatile variable marks, the values of name and rollNo are also written to the main memory.

5.5. What is the atomic operation? What are atomic classes?

Atomic operations always execute together, there is no chance of partial completion of that operation. Atomic operations will either be completely executed or nothing executed. There is no term like partial execution of the atomic operation. It’s the same as the A(atomicity) in the database’s ACID property.

int i;
i = 1;

The above operation is atomic as simply 1 is assigned to the variable i. Either 1 will be assigned to that variable or it will remain uninitialized.

int i = 4;

The above operation looks atomic but it’s not, it is divided into three parts,

  • Read i
  • Increment i
  • Assign the incremented value to i

As this operation is not atomic there is a chance of partial execution. It’s very hard to define its atomicity in a single-threaded application but in the case of a multi-threaded application, it may happen that without completing the entire operation thread may be context switched.

In multi-threaded applications due to this type of data inconsistency problem java defines some atomic classes in the java.util.concurrent.atomic package which provides wait-free and lock-free atomic operations on the variables. There are multiple atomic variable classes like,

  • AtomicBoolean
  • AtomicInteger
  • AtomicLong
  • AtomicReference
  • AtomicIntegerArray
  • AtomicLongArray

Let’s solve the visibility problem using the AtomicInteger.

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

class VisibilityProblemSolved {

    static AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(10);

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Thread readingThread = new Thread(() -> {
            while (true) {
                if (counter.get() == 11) {
                    System.out.println("Counter: " + counter.get());

        Thread modifyingThread = new Thread(() -> {
            System.out.print("Modifying Counter from " + counter.get());
            System.out.println(" To " + counter.incrementAndGet()); // incrementAndGet() is equal to prefix increment.




Modifying Counter from 10 To 11
Counter: 11

In the above program, we will never get stuck in infinite waiting of thread as we are performing atomic operations.

6. Executor Framework

6.1. What is ExecutorService? Explain different implementations.

The ExecutorService is an interface present inside java.util.concurrent package, which allows us to submit tasks to be executed by threads asynchronously. ExecutorService creates and maintains a pool of reusable threads to execute the submitted tasks.

There are different implementations of the ExecutorService interface present in the same java.util.concurrent package,

ThreadPoolExecuter is used to execute the given Callable or Runnable tasks. There are two different ways to instantiate ThreadPoolExecuter,

1. By directly creating the object of ThreadPoolExecuter.

ExecutorService executorService = new ThreadPoolExecutor(1, 1,
                                    0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,
                                    new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>());

It creates a pool of thread with corePoolSize 1, maxPoolSize 1, and a keepAliveTime of 0ms (thread in the pool would stay alive unless explicitly closed) and an unbounded LinkedBlockingQueue.

Note: ThreadPoolExecutor maintains a queue in order to manage the submitted tasks when there is more number of tasks than the threads in the thread-pool.

2. By using factory methods of the Executors class.

ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); 
// Creates an Executor that uses a single worker thread operating off an unbounded queue.

ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10); 
// Creates a thread pool that reuses 10 threads operating off a shared unbounded queue. 

ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); 
// Creates a thread pool that creates new threads as needed, but will reuse previously constructed threads when they are available.

There are different methods to delegate tasks for execution to the ExecutorService.

  • void execute(Runnable task)
  • Future submit(Runnable task)
  • Future submit(Callable task) 
  • List<Future> invokeAll(Collection callableTasks)
  • Object invokeAny(Collection callableTasks)

ScheduledThreadPoolExecuter is used to schedule tasks to run after a certain delay or to execute tasks repeatedly with a fixed interval of time between each execution.

6.2. Difference between shutdown(), shutdownNow() and awaitTermination​()

ExecutorService interface provides 3 methods shutdown()shutdownNow() and awaitTermination​() for controlling the termination of tasks submitted to executors.

  • The shutdown() initiates an orderly shutdown in which previously submitted tasks are executed, but no new tasks will be accepted.
  • The shutdownNow(), forcibly, attempts to stop all actively executing tasks, halts the processing of waiting tasks, and returns a list of the tasks that were awaiting execution.
  • The awaitTermination(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) blocks until all tasks have completed execution after a shutdown request, or the timeout occurs, or the current thread is interrupted, whichever happens first. Remember that awaitTermination() is invoked after a shutdown() request.

See Also: How to Shutdown a Java ExecutorService

6.3. Difference between submit() and execute()

ExecutorService interface provides 2 methods submit() and execute​() for submitting the new tasks to thread pool:

Declared in the ExecutorService interfaceDeclared in the Executor interface
Can accept both Runnable and CallableCan accept only Runnable
The return type is the Future object for checking if the task is completed, and for obtaining the result of the task or to cancel it.The return type is void

6.4. How to schedule a task to run after a specific interval?

Java defines the ScheduledExecutorService interface that can schedule a task to run after a certain delay or execute a task repeatedly with a fixed interval of time between each execution.

For the purpose of running a task after a specific interval, the ScheduledExecutorService interface defines two different methods,

  • scheduleWithFixedDelay (Runnable command, long initialDelay, long period, TimeUnit unit)
    In the case of scheduleWithFixedDelay() the second execution will only start after the given delay time since the first execution was completed. The second execution will never start without the completion of the first execution. There is a guaranteed fixed delay between two executions of the task.
  • scheduleAtFixedRate (Runnable command, long initialDelay, long period, TimeUnit unit)
    In the case of scheduleAtFixedRate() the second execution will start after the given delay time since the first execution started. If the first execution takes longer time to complete its execution than the given delay between the two executions, then the second execution will only start after the first execution ends.

Let’s take an example that schedules a task using the scheduleAtFixRate() method with 5 seconds of the initial delay and 5 seconds of the time period between two execution.

import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class ScheduledThreadPool {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);

        Runnable runnableJob = () -> {
            System.out.println("Started Execution On:" +;
            System.out.println("Hello World");
            System.out.println("Completed Execution On:" +;

        scheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(runnableJob, 5, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

The program executes at 15:13:39 and the after 5 seconds at 15:13:44.

Started Execution On:2023-03-17T15:13:39.257095491
Hello World
Completed Execution On:2023-03-17T15:13:39.265390688

Started Execution On:2023-03-17T15:13:44.212154070
Hello World
Completed Execution On:2023-03-17T15:13:44.212430386


7. Concurrency Classes

7.1. What is the BlockingQueue interface? How does it work?

BlockingQueue is a thread-safe version of Queue. It provides thread safety by blocking the thread trying to enqueue an element into a full queue until there is some space in the queue, and blocking the thread trying to dequeue one or more elements from an empty queue until there is an element inside the queue.

The BlockingQueue interface has 4 different sets of methods for inserting, removing, and examining the elements in the queue, one throws an exception, the second returns a special value (either null or true or false), the third blocks the current thread indefinitely until the operation can succeed, and the fourth blocks for only a given maximum time limit.

Throws ExceptionSpecial ValueBlocksTimes Out
Insertadd(e)offer(e)put(e)offer(e, time, unit)
Removeremove()poll(), remove(e)take()poll(time, unit)
Examineelement()peek(), contains(e)N/AN/A

In addition to these, the BlockingQueue interface defines two more methods,

int drainTo(Collection<? super E> c);  
/*removes all elements from the queue and adds them to the given collection and returns 
the number of elements added to the collection*/

int drainTo(Collection<? super E> c, int maxElements);
/*removes at most the given number of available elements elements from the queue and adds them to the given collection and returns the number of elements added to the collection*/

There are two types of blocking queues:

a. Unbounded Queue

In the unbounded blocking queue, the capacity is set to Integer.MAX_VALUE. In the case of an unbounded blocking queue while enqueuing elements into the queue thread will never be blocked as it could grow to a very large size. But dequeuing elements from an empty queue will block the thread.

BlockingQueue<String> blockingQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();

b. Bounded Queue

In the bounded queue, the capacity is defined at the time of object creation, and in this case while enqueuing elements into the queue the thread can be blocked in case of elements in the queue reach the given capacity.

BlockingQueue<String> blockingQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(5);

Since BlockingQueue is an interface, we need to use one of its implementations in order to use it. The java.util.concurrent packag has the following implementations of the BlockingQueue interface:

7.2. What are the Callable and Future?

The Callable interface provides a way to create a thread that can return some computed result after completing the execution. It defines only one abstract method,

V call() throws Exception();

Hence it is also a Functional interface like Runnable. We can’t create a new thread by passing Callable to the Thread class constructor as target runnable. There is only one way to use Callable is ExecutorService.

Using the submit() method of the ExecutorService we can execute the callable task, which returns the Future object.

<T> Future<T> submit(Callable<T> task);

The Future provides different methods to retrieve the result once the Callable task is completed and to check the status of the task.

V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException 
//Waits if necessary for the computation to complete, and then retrieves its result.

V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit); 
//Waits if necessary for at most the given time for the computation to complete, and then retrieves its result, if available.

boolean isDone(); 
//Returns true if the task is completed.

boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning); 
//Attempts to cancel execution of the task.

boolean isCancelled(); 
//Returns true if the task was cancelled before it completed normally.

See Also: Java Callable Future Example

7.3. What is FutureTask class?

The FutureTask provides the concrete implementation of Future, RunnableFuture, and Runnable interfaces.

Future and FutureTask in Java allows you to write asynchronous code. The FutureTask class provides a base implementation of Future, with methods to start and cancel a computation, query to see if the computation is complete, and retrieve the result of the computation. As it implements Runnable we can submit it to ExecutorService for execution. Calling get() methods on this class’s object blocks the calling thread until the computation completes.

When calling submit() method of ExecutorService, it internally creates the object of the FutureTask with the given Runnable or Callable and returns it.

Let’s understand this concept by an example.

import java.util.concurrent.*;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {

        ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);

        Callable<Integer> sumOfTenNumbers = () -> { //asynchronous task to find sum of first 10 numbers
            int sum = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                sum += i;
            return sum;

        Future<Integer> result = threadPool.submit(sumOfTenNumbers);
        System.out.println(result instanceof FutureTask);//true i.e. submit() internally creates an object of FutureTask

        while (true) {
            if (result.isDone()) { //checking whether task is done
                System.out.println("Result : " + result.get());

            } else {
                System.out.println("Waiting For Result...");
                Thread.sleep(1000); //doing some other task instead of blocking

In the above code, we are calling submit(Callable<T> task) method of the ExecuterService by passing the Callable<Integer> task that performs and returns the sum of the first 10 numbers. The submit() method returns the instance of FutureTask, which we are later using to check whether the task is done or not. If the task is done then we are getting the result, and if not then we are performing alternate activities instead of waiting on the result.

Output (it can be different in each run):

Waiting For Result...
Waiting For Result...
Waiting For Result...
Waiting For Result...
Waiting For Result...
Waiting For Result...
Result : 45

7.4. Explain CountDownLatch and CyclicBarrier

The CountDownLatch class allows one or more threads to wait for some other thread to complete a certain number of tasks. The CountDownLatch object is initialized with an int count, the thread which calls await() method on it immediately enters into the WAITING state and waits for that count to become 0. As soon as the count becomes 0 the waiting thread enters into the RUNNABLE (Ready to Run) state.

CountDownLatch class overloads the await() method as await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) to accept a timeout, the thread which calls the await method by passing a timeout, immediately enters into the TIMED WAITING state and either the count becomes 0 or the given timeout elapses whatever happens first, the waiting thread enters to the RUNNABLE (Ready to Run) state.

As the await() method puts the calling thread into the WAITING state, it throws the InterruptedException. So it’s compulsory to either handle the exception in catch block or the method must explicitly declare it using throws declaration.

Now, suppose we want to stop a scheduled task to be stooped after exactly two executions that are running continuously after a specific interval of time, Let’s solve it using CountDownLatch.

We can initialize the CountDownLatch of 2 by passing 2 as the parameter to the CoutDownLatch constructor, then let the main thread waits on that CountDownLatch to become 0 before shutting down the ScheduledExecutorService. Every time the scheduled task executes we can countDown() the CountDownLatch, which will decrement the counter value by 1. So exactly after two execution of the scheduled task, the ScheduledExecutorService will be shutDown().

import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.concurrent.*;

public class ScheduledThreadPool {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {

        ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);

        CountDownLatch count = new CountDownLatch(2);

        Runnable runnableJob = () -> {
            System.out.println("Started Execution On:" +;
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                System.out.println("Hello World : " + i);
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
            System.out.println("Completed Execution On:" +;

        scheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(runnableJob, 5, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);



Started Execution On:2023-03-17T18:20:30.650018020
Hello World : 0
Hello World : 1
Hello World : 2
Hello World : 3
Hello World : 4
Completed Execution On:2023-03-17T18:20:35.652084770

Started Execution On:2023-03-17T18:20:35.652813671
Hello World : 0
Hello World : 1
Hello World : 2
Hello World : 3
Hello World : 4
Completed Execution On:2023-03-17T18:20:40.654577372

The CyclicBarrier class allows threads to wait for each other at the given barrier to let every thread complete its execution until that barrier. No thread can continue further until all threads reach that barrier. Hence it provides one kind of synchronization mechanism for threads.

The CyclicBarrier object is initialized with an int count, which defines how many threads have to reach that barrier to release all threads waiting at the barrier. Once that number of threads reaches that barrier all threads can continue their execution.

The thread can wait at the specific barrier by calling await() method on that specific CyclicBarrier object. await() method in CyclicBarrier class is overloaded as await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) which allows threads to specify the waiting time at the barrier. If the given number of threads does not reach that barrier until the specified time, then the waiting thread which specified the time throws TimeoutException and brokes the barrier, and continues its execution. In this case, the barrier is broken hence all threads waiting at that barrier get the BrokenBarrierException and now all of them can continue their execution.

At the time of initializing the CyclicBarrier object, we can pass a Runnable barrierAction also, which defines the job to be performed once the last thread arrives at that barrier. And the last arriving thread is responsible for performing that Runnable action.

Let’s understand both CountDownLatch and CyclicBarrier concepts using an example.

import java.util.concurrent.*;

public class CollectingDataFromDifferentFiles {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        CountDownLatch count = new CountDownLatch(2);

        Runnable mergeJob = () -> {
            System.out.println("Merging Data Into A Final File");
            System.out.println("Task Performed By:" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "\n\n");

        CyclicBarrier firstFiveFileBarrier = new CyclicBarrier(3, mergeJob);
        CyclicBarrier endBarrier = new CyclicBarrier(3, mergeJob);

        ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);

        executorService.submit(() -> {
            try {
                for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
                    System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Getting Data From File:" + i);

                    if (i == 5) {
            } catch (InterruptedException | BrokenBarrierException exception) {
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "...." + exception.getClass().getName());

        executorService.submit(() -> {
            try {
                for (int i = 11; i <= 20; i++) {
                    System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Getting Data From File:" + i);

                    if (i == 15) {
            } catch (InterruptedException | BrokenBarrierException exception) {
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "...." + exception.getClass().getName());

        executorService.submit(() -> {
            try {
                for (int i = 21; i <= 30; i++) {
                    System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Getting Data From File:" + i);

                    if (i == 25) {
            } catch (InterruptedException | BrokenBarrierException exception) {
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "...." + exception.getClass().getName());




In the above program, our main aim is to collect data from 30 different files and merge them into one file. For this purpose, we have created a thread pool of 3 threads, so 1 thread has to collect data from 10 files. And we’ve created a barrier at which the threads will wait for each other to complete reading from the first 5 files.

After the last thread arrives we’ve also defined a Runnable job to merge that data to the final file which will be performed by the last arriving thread. At the second barrier also the last arriving thread will perform the merge job.

Output (it can be different in each run):

pool-1-thread-1 Getting Data From File:1
pool-1-thread-1 Getting Data From File:2
pool-1-thread-2 Getting Data From File:11
pool-1-thread-3 Getting Data From File:21
pool-1-thread-2 Getting Data From File:12
pool-1-thread-2 Getting Data From File:13
pool-1-thread-2 Getting Data From File:14
pool-1-thread-1 Getting Data From File:3
pool-1-thread-2 Getting Data From File:15
pool-1-thread-3 Getting Data From File:22
pool-1-thread-3 Getting Data From File:23
pool-1-thread-1 Getting Data From File:4
pool-1-thread-3 Getting Data From File:24
pool-1-thread-1 Getting Data From File:5
pool-1-thread-3 Getting Data From File:25

Merging Data Into A Final File
Task Performed By:pool-1-thread-3

pool-1-thread-3 Getting Data From File:26
pool-1-thread-2 Getting Data From File:16
pool-1-thread-2 Getting Data From File:17
pool-1-thread-1 Getting Data From File:6
pool-1-thread-3 Getting Data From File:27
pool-1-thread-1 Getting Data From File:7
pool-1-thread-1 Getting Data From File:8
pool-1-thread-2 Getting Data From File:18
pool-1-thread-1 Getting Data From File:9
pool-1-thread-3 Getting Data From File:28
pool-1-thread-1 Getting Data From File:10
pool-1-thread-2 Getting Data From File:19
pool-1-thread-3 Getting Data From File:29
pool-1-thread-2 Getting Data From File:20
pool-1-thread-3 Getting Data From File:30

Merging Data Into A Final File
Task Performed By:pool-1-thread-3

7.5. Explain Semaphore and Reentrantlock


The Semaphore provides the thread synchronization mechanism. The Semaphore is a counting semaphore that internally works on the concept of permits. The Semaphore class object is initialized with an int number, defining the set of permits.

Semaphore countingSemaphore = new Semaphore(5); // at a time at most 5 threads can enter the critical section

It has two main methods,

public void acquire(); 
/*Acquires a permit, if one is available and returns immediately, and reduce the number of available permits by one and if no permit is available then it blocks until one is available.*/

public void release();
/*Releases a permit, and increase the number of available permits by one.*/

Note: If the permits counter value reaches zero, it means all the shared resources are in use by other threads, then the acquire() method blocks the current Thread until a permit is available to the Semaphore.

We can also construct a binary semaphore that protects access to a single shared resource and provides simple mutual exclusion that allows only one thread to access the shared resource (i.e. enter a critical section) at a time.

Semaphore binarySemaphore = new Semaphore(1);

// Acquiring semaphore

// Printing Available Permits
System.out.println(binarySemaphore.availablePermits())      // 0

// Releasing semaphore

// Printing Available Permits
System.out.println(binarySemaphore.availablePermits())      // 1


The ReentrantLock implements the Lock interface, which provides a mutual exclusion mechanism that allows the same thread to reenter into a lock on the same resource (multiple times) without any deadlock problem.

It has two methods:

/*Acquires the lock if it is not held by another thread and returns immediately, setting the lock hold count to one and if the current thread already holds the lock then the hold count is incremented by one and the method returns immediately*/
public void lock();

/*Attempts to release this lock.
If the current thread is the holder of this lock then the hold count is decremented. If the hold count is now zero then the lock is released. If the current thread is not the holder of this lock then IllegalMonitorStateException is thrown.*/
public void unlock();

Note: The lock on the resource will be released only when a hold count reaches to 0.

Difference between Semaphore and ReentrantLock

  • If you need a simple mutual exclusion mechanism, there is no specific reason to use a binary semaphore over a ReentrantLock. But, if your requirement is that more than one thread (but a limited number) can enter a critical section, ReentrantLock is not helpful, whereas Semaphores can fulfill this requirement.
  • Semaphores may also be released by another thread, as it uses a non-ownership release mechanism. According to Java docs, such behavior may be applicable in some specialized contexts like Deadlock recovery. But, Deadlock Recovery is a bit difficult in the case of Reentrant Lock as it uses ownership of a Thread to a resource by physically locking it and only the owner Thread can unlock that resource. If the non-owner attempts to unlock the lock, it will immediately raise IllegalMonitorStateException.
  • Semaphores are not reentrant in nature, i.e. you can’t acquire a semaphore for the second time in the same thread. attempting to do so will lead to a deadlock problem. But, ReentrantLock allows a Thread to lock a particular resource multiple times using lock() method, without any deadlock problem.

See Also: Java Semaphore vs ReentrantLock

7.6. What are Concurrent Collection Classes?

Java contains a very rich API of collection classes that are non-synchronized in nature hence in the multi-threaded environment they are not thread-safe, hence we are responsible for taking care of thread safety.

To properly use these collection classes in the multi-threaded environment, we have to make these collection classes synchronized. To do so we can get the synchronized version of a particular collection by using synchronizedCollection() method of the Collections class.

List ls = Collections.synchronizedList(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));  //to get the synchronized version of List

But in this case, there is also a problem that the synchronizing of these collections is achieved by serializing all access to the collection’s state. i.e. locking the entire collection object which may affect the overall performance of the application.

To solve this issue java introduced concurrent collection classes, packaged into java.util.concurrent package from Java version 5. These concurrent collection classes are a set of collections APIs that are designed and optimized specifically for synchronized multithreaded access. Concurrent collections are much more performant than synchronized collections.

For example, ConcurrentHashMap is the class that we need when we want to use a synchronized hash-based Map implementation. Similarly, if we want a thread-safe List, we can actually use the CopyOnWriteArrayList class, if we want a thread-safe HashSet, we can actually use the CopyOnWriteArraySet. There are plenty of like this.

8. Programming Exercises

8.1. How many threads are there in the below program after Line 1?

class MyThread extends Thread{
	public void run(){
		System.out.println("Child Thread");

public class Test{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		MyThread t = new MyThread();; //------------------- Line1
		System.out.println("Main Thread");

There is only one thread in the above program after executing line 1.

As in the above code, we are calling the run() method instead of the start() method on the Thread class object, no new thread will be created. The start() method present in the Thread class is mainly responsible to spawn a new thread and register it with the thread scheduler. Hence in the above case, the run() method will be executed by the main thread just like a normal method call, and in this case, we will always get the fixed output.

Main Thread
Child Thread

8.2 How to interrupt a thread while it is executing?

An interrupt is a kind of signal to the thread that it should stop doing what it is doing and perform some other activity, which depends upon us what we want the thread to perform. A thread can interrupt another thread by calling the interrupt() method on that Thread object which is to be interrupted.

The interrupt mechanism is internally implemented using an internal flag known as the interrupt status. When the new thread is spawned initially the interrupt status is set to false. When any thread interrupts that thread the interrupt status is set to true, which means that the thread has to perform some other activity and clear the interrupt status by again setting its value to false.

The Thread class defines three methods to deal with interrupt status.

public static boolean interrupted(); 
/*Tests whether the current thread has been interrupted, and if it's interrupted then it also clears the interrupt status by setting it's value again to false.*/

public boolean isInterrupted(); //Tests whether this thread has been interrupted only.

public void interrupt(); //Interrupts this thread. (the thread can interrupt itself also without any problem)

Thread blocking methods like wait(), join(), sleep(), … already defines a way to handle the interrupt which is by throwing the checked exception InterrupterException. Hence during the thread is in any of the above method’s corresponding block state, if we call the interrupt() method on its object, or after calling the interrupt() method if the thread enters that blocking state any time during its life cycle, then we will immediately get the java.lang.InterruptedException.

class ChildThread extends Thread {
    public void run() {
        System.out.println("Performing Sum Of 100 Numbers");
        int sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            sum += i;
        System.out.println("Done! The Sum Is: " + sum + ". Now Going To Sleep!");

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException exception) {
            System.out.println("Got Interrupted! " + exception.getMessage());

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ChildThread childThread = new ChildThread();

        System.out.println("Let's Interrupt Child Thread!");

Output (it can be different in each run):

Let's Interrupt Child Thread!
Performing Sum Of 100 Numbers
Done! The Sum Is: 4950. Now Going To Sleep!
Got Interrupted! sleep interrupted

What if the thread never enters the blocking state in its entire life cycle? In that case, we have to periodically check the interrupt status using the static interrupted() method or instance isInterrupted() method and provide the way to handle that interrupt.

class ChildThread extends Thread {
    public void run() {
        System.out.println("Performing Sum Of 100 Numbers");
        int sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            if (Thread.interrupted()) {
                System.out.println("Got Interrupted! ");
            } else {
                sum += i;
        System.out.println("The Sum is: " + sum);

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ChildThread childThread = new ChildThread();

        System.out.println("Let's Interrupt Child Thread!");

Output (it can be different in each run):

Let's Interrupt Child Thread!
Performing Sum Of 100 Numbers
Got Interrupted! 
The Sum is: 0

In the above code instead of break, we can also throw InterruptedException manually. Hence, these are the ways to interrupt a thread and handle that interrupt.

What if the thread never checks for interrupt status and never enters into a blocking state in its entire life cycle? In that case, the interrupt to that thread will be wasted and only the interrupt status will be set to true but no activity will be performed in order to clear that interrupt status. So it’s never guaranteed that we can always interrupt a thread.

8.3 How to pass the parameter to the thread?

We can pass the parameter to Java threads to dynamic the behavior of threads depending upon the parameter value. There are multiple ways to pass parameters to the thread let’s discuss it one by one.

Using Parameterized Constructor

We can create a parameterized constructor of the class which either implements Runnable or extends Thread to accept the parameters that we want to use in the run() method of that class.

class EchoThread implements Runnable { //OR extends Thread
    private String message;

    EchoThread(String message) {
        this.message = message;

    public void run() {
        System.out.println("Echo: " + message); //Echo: Hello New Thread!

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new Thread(new EchoThread("Hello New Thread!")).start(); 

Using Setter Method

We can declare private variables inside the class and provide the setter methods to set the value of that variable from outside of the class and then we can use it in the run() method.

class EchoThread implements Runnable { //OR extends Thread
    private String message;

    public void setMessage(String message) {
        this.message = message;

    public void run() {
        System.out.println("Echo: " + message);  //Echo: Hello New Thread!

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EchoThread echo = new EchoThread();
        echo.setMessage("Hello New Thread!");

        new Thread(echo).start();

Note: In this case, we have to compulsory initialize all variables using the setter methods of each, otherwise we may get the NullPointerException.

Using Effectively Final Variables

We can access the parent class variable directly inside the inner class or lambda function, but that variable should be effectively final.

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String message = "Hello Child Thread!";

        //Lambda Function
        Runnable subTaskWithLambda = () -> {
            System.out.println("Echo: " + message + " By " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
            //Echo: Hello Child Thread! By Thread-0
        Thread subTask = new Thread(subTaskWithLambda);

        //Anonymous Inner Class
        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                System.out.println("Echo: " + message + " By " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
                //Echo: Hello Child Thread! By Thread-1

Using Static Variables

we can declare a static variable inside the class which we will be directly assigned using the class name from outside of the class. But this way is not recommended as for every instance of the thread there will be only one copy of that variable so there is a very high chance of the data inconsistency problem.

class EchoThread implements Runnable { //OR extends Thread
    static String message;

    public void run() {
        System.out.println("Echo: " + message);  //Echo: High chance of Data Inconsistency Problem!

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EchoThread.message = "High chance of Data Inconsistency Problem!";
        new Thread(new EchoThread()).start();

8.4 What is Java Thread Dump, How can we get Java Thread dump of a program?

A thread dump is a snapshot of the state of all the threads of a Java process. We can also say that a thread dump is a way of finding out what every thread in the JVM is doing at a particular point in time. That snapshot contains the state of each thread in the form of the stack trace of each, and it is useful for diagnosing problems that occurred in our Java application. It is highly recommended to take more than 1 thread dump while diagnosing any problem.

There are multiple ways to take the thread dump of any Java program. Let’s discuss them one by one.


jstack is a command line tool to capture thread dumps. jstack tool is present inside the JDK_HOME/bin folder as a part of JDK since Java version 5.

jstack -l  <pid>
# this command prints the entire thread dump to the command line console.
# we can find all java process pids using jps command.

jstack -l  <pid> > <file-path>
# this command capture the thread dump in the given file.


Java VisualVM is a graphical user interface tool that lets us monitor, troubleshoot, and profile Java applications. From JDK 9, Visual VM isn’t included in the Oracle JDK and Open JDK distributions so we have to download it from the official website.

In VisualVM on the left panel, you will see all the Java applications that are running on your machine. Right-click on the process you want to take the thread dump and then click the Thread Dump option present in the menu.


The jcmd tool was introduced in Oracle JDK 7, and it internally works by sending the commands requests to the JVM. There are many commands with various capabilities like getting thread dump, getting heap dump, and getting all java process ids, …

jcmd <pid> Thread.print > <file-path>
# we can find all java process pids using jcmd command


The jconsole tool is a JMX-compliant graphical tool for monitoring a Java virtual machine. In the jconsole, we can inspect the individual stack trace of each thread.

8.5 How to solve the producer-consumer problem?

The producer-consumer problem is a very popular synchronization problem. In the producer-consumer problem, there are two threads, one is ProducerThread whose job is to continuously produce the items and the second is ConsumerThread whose job is to continuously consume the items. The producers and consumers share the same memory buffer that is of fixed size in which the producer put the produced item and from which the consumer consumes the items.

Then What’s The Problem?

There are multiple problems with it.

  1. The producer should produce data only when the buffer is not full. Otherwise, it can lead our program to buffer overflow.
  2. The consumer should consume data only when the buffer is not empty. Otherwise, it can lead our program to buffer underflow.
  3. The producer and consumer should not access the buffer at the same time. Otherwise, there is a very high chance of a data-inconsistency problem.

Then What Can Be The Solution?

  • Synchronization on the shared buffer while producing and consuming items.
  • When the buffer is empty the consumer should wait until the producer produces and add something to the buffer.
  • When the buffer is full the producer should wait until the consumer consumes something from the buffer.

The solution to this producer-consumer problem can be easily solved in Java by using BlockingQueue, which you can find on Producer Consumer Problem Using BlockingQueue.

9. Conclusion

The Java concurrency interview questions guide lists some important and tricky questions to help refresh the basic concepts and some advanced concepts related to threading in Java. These should help you in attending the interview more confidently.

Happy Learning!


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