Java Program to Check Disarium number

Write a simple java program to verify if a given number is disarium number or not.

1. Disarium number

A number is called DISARIUM if sum of its digits, powered with their respective position, is equal to the original number.

For example, consider following numbers.

11 + 32 + 53 = 1 + 9 + 125 = 135

81 + 92 = 8 + 81 = 89

11 + 72 + 53 = 1 + 49 + 125 = 175

51 + 12 + 83 = 5 + 1 + 512 = 518

2. Java Program to find Disarium number

public class Main 
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		System.out.println("134 is disarium number " + isDisarium(134));
		System.out.println("135 is disarium number " + isDisarium(135));
		System.out.println("136 is disarium number " + isDisarium(136));
    static boolean isDisarium(int originalNumber) 
        //Total number of digits 
        int numberOfDigits = Integer.toString(originalNumber).length(); 
        int sumOfDigits = 0; // Initialize sum of terms 
        int tempNum = originalNumber; 
        while (tempNum!=0) 
            // Get the rightmost digit 
            int currentDigit = tempNum % 10; 
            // powering according to the positions and adding to sumOfDigits
            sumOfDigits = (int) (sumOfDigits + Math.pow(currentDigit, numberOfDigits--)); 
            tempNum = tempNum/10; 
        // If sum is same as number, then number is 
        return (sumOfDigits == originalNumber); 

Program output.

134 is disarium number false
135 is disarium number true
136 is disarium number false

Happy Learning !!


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