JUnit 5 Test Suites

Lokesh Gupta

JUnit 5 test suites are written with @Suite annotation. Suites help us run the tests spread into multiple classes and packages.

We can use Include and Exclude annotations (discussed later in this tutorial) for filtering test packages, test classes or even test methods.

@RunWith(JUnitPlatform.class) has been deprecated in favor of @Suite annotation and will be removed in JUnit Platform 2.0.

1. Project Structure and Maven Dependency

For this example, we are using the below project structure.

JUnit 5 Test Suite Project Structure
JUnit 5 Test Suite Project Structure

To run the suites, include junit-platform-suite-engine dependency (version 1.8 or later).


2. Creating Test Suites

2.1. @Suite

Creating suites is easy. Just add the @Suite annotation of a class and start including or excluding the test classes and methods into the suite.

When we want to run the suite, simply run it as a normal JUnit test class and it will execute all the included tests in the suite.

import org.junit.platform.suite.api.IncludeTags;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.SelectPackages;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.Suite;


public class JUnit5TestSuiteExample {


3.2. @SuiteDisplayName

Use this annotation to give a display name for the annotated test class that is executed as a test suite on the JUnit Platform.

Display names are typically used for test reporting in IDEs and build tools and may contain spaces, special characters, and even emoji.

@SuiteDisplayName("A demo Test Suite")
public class JUnit5TestSuiteExample {


3. Including and Excluding Tests

JUnit 5 provides the following annotations to include or exclude the tests in the suites.

  • @SelectClasses
  • @SelectPackages
  • @IncludePackages
  • @ExcludePackages
  • @IncludeClassNamePatterns
  • @ExcludeClassNamePatterns
  • @IncludeTags
  • @ExcludeTags

Let’s learn about these annotations in detail.

3.1. @SelectPackages

@SelectPackages specifies the names of packages to select when running a test suite via @RunWith(JUnitPlatform.class).

3.1.1. Specify Single Package

Pass “packageName” as parameter to @SelectPackages annotation.

public class JUnit5TestSuiteExample
@SelectPackages - Single Package Example
@SelectPackages – Single Package Example

3.1.2. Specify Multiple Packages

Pass package names in the parameter as a string array (inside curly braces {}) to @SelectPackages annotation.

public class JUnit5TestSuiteExample
@SelectPackages - Multiple Packages Example
@SelectPackages – Multiple Packages Example

Please note that if we pass ‘com.demo.app’ in @SelectPackages annotation, then test classes present in the package ‘com.demo.app’ AND all it’s sub-packages will be selected for test suite.

3.2. @SelectClasses

@SelectClasses specifies the classes to select when running a test suite via @RunWith(JUnitPlatform.class).

3.2.1. Specify Single Test Class

Pass ClassName.class as parameter to @SelectClasses annotation.

@SelectClasses( ClassATest.class )
public class JUnit5TestSuiteExample
@SelectClasses - Single Class Example
@SelectClasses – Single Class Example

3.2.2. Specify Multiple Test Classes

Pass class names in the parameter as array (inside curly braces {}) to @SelectClasses annotation.

@SelectClasses( { ClassATest.class, ClassBTest.class, ClassCTest.class } )
public class JUnit5TestSuiteExample
@SelectClasses - Multiple Test Classes Example
@SelectClasses – Multiple Test Classes Example

3.3. @IncludePackages and @ExcludePackages

As we learn that @SelectPackages causes all its sub-packages as well to be scanned for test classes.

If you want to exclude any specific package or include any package then you may use @IncludePackages and @ExcludePackages annotations.

3.3.1. @IncludePackages Example

public class JUnit5TestSuiteExample

This will add tests from test classes in com.howtodoinjava.junit5.examples.packageC only i.e. ClassCTest.

3.3.2. @ExcludePackages Example

public class JUnit5TestSuiteExample

This will add tests from test classes in com.howtodoinjava.junit5.examples but exclude all test classes from sub-package com.howtodoinjava.junit5.examples.packageC i.e. ClassATest and ClassBTest.

3.4. @IncludeClassNamePatterns and @ExcludeClassNamePatterns

Many times it is not feasible to include all packages or test class names in select annotations. In that case, you may give a broader package scope and apply filtering on which test classes to be included or excluded from the suite.

To specify test class names patterns to exclude or include, you can use @IncludeClassNamePatterns and @ExcludeClassNamePatterns annotations.

3.4.1. @IncludeClassNamePatterns Example

Include all test classes with names ending with ATest or ATests.

public class JUnit5TestSuiteExample

3.4.2. @ExcludeClassNamePatterns Example

Exclude all test classes with names ending with ATest or ATests.

public class JUnit5TestSuiteExample

You may apply more than one pattern in above annotations. In case of multiple patterns, they are combined using OR semantics.

It means that if fully qualified name of a class matches against at least one of the patterns, the class will be included/excluded from the test suite.

3.5. @IncludeTags and @ExcludeTags

In enterprise applications, you may have tagged test cases that you want to run in specific environments e.g. development or production. You can include or exclude tests based on these tags as well, from a test suite.

3.5.1. @IncludeTags Example

This test suite will run all tests tagged with production inside package com.howtodoinjava.junit5.examples (and its sub-packages).

public class JUnit5TestSuiteExample

3.5.2. @ExcludeTags Example

This test suite will exclude all tests tagged with development inside package com.howtodoinjava.junit5.examples (and it’s sub-packages).

public class JUnit5TestSuiteExample

Clearly, there are multiple ways to create test suites in JUnit 5 and it has strong support for filtering tests to/from test suites.

4. Running a Single Test Suite

By default mvn test will run all the tests and suites in the application.

Use Maven surefire plugin’s configuration and test elements to include the test suites and classes in the test execution. In the following example, we are executing a single suite TempDirectoryTestSuite.


I tried to run the above suite from command line using the JVM system property test, but it was executing all the tests and suite in the application. Let me know if it works for you.

If we want to exclude few tests classes and suites, we can use the exclude tag.

      <exclude>some test to exclude here</exclude>

Happy Learning !!

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  1. Hello,
    Thanks for your great sharing!

    Q1: If I have multiple test suites class(ex: one for regression Test, another for Smoke test), how would I go about executing specific one from a script ?
    Q2 In Jenkins Job, how to configure certain(different) suites to run different cases?



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